It’s Been Awhile

I stopped writing. I didn’t stop because I didn’t like it…I stopped because an incredibly hateful woman decided to send me a message about something she knows nothing about and wished horrible things to my family. I immediately wanted to call her and speak to her face to face. The reality is anything online like this gives cowards courage that they would never have any other way…and quite frankly she doesn’t deserve my time or energy so this the last time I will write about her. Anything hate filled will be reported and I will block them.

Now onto better things. Since we last wrote there has been so much that has happened for our families. Graduations, sickness, job changes, more family here, another anniversary, and more blessings than we deserve. The summer has flown by and yesterday I was hit with the reality that time is ticking away before Toben and I have to drop E off for school and leave her in the care of someone else. Don’t get me wrong if anyone will succeed and thrive at school it is her, but these past 3 years of being a family together simply weren’t enough.

For now I want to cherish every moment we have. Life is simply too short to have to live with regrets, I wan to irrationally pursue happiness, joy, love, and grace.




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