Long Time, No Post!

Life is full! It’s very different for our family since Emma wrapped up her Junior year–SAT test done, AP tests completed and finals finished. She is more relaxed then I have seen her in a very long time. She absolutely crushed her Junior year and has positioned herself to apply and get accepted to just about any college of her choice.

Somehow we have found a way to fill the schedule so far this summer. Jamie is walking almost every day, logging serious miles.  Emma and I are driving daily so that she can get her 50 hours of practice in so that she can get her license later this summer.  And Emma is cooking for us which is a treat. It is a good pace of life right now. And we have so many fun things to anticipate as we move further into summer!

Brendan and Sue will be here in a a few short weeks.  We are looking forward to a great visit that will include time at the pool, many meals enjoyed together and a trip up Pikes Peak.  When they head back to Michigan Jamie will be right on their heels and will work remote from back there for a week. I will be flying in in time for the wedding of a good friend’s daughter.

And there is talk of some sort of mystery trip for my birthday.  Jamie has secret plans for us to go somewhere. I’m not always great with surprises but I am really looking forward to this one.  Can’t wait to see what she comes up with!

I’m looking way forward to the fall too.  Emma will be able to drive herself to school! And it looks like she will have a great schedule for her senior year. She will be submitting her collage applications to a number of great schools including Harvard. There will be college visits. Should be a fun season!

Dad and I will be taking a trip to the Tetons to do a little hiking and I’m really looking forward to that too.

This feels like a season of real blessing.  Life is good and the future looks bright. Sometimes I think, “Are things really as good as they seem? Am I missing something?” But the truth is that life is very good for us right now.  Who know what God has for us in the future–Lord knows that life can change on the spot. But it feels so good to feel so good!

We’ll be sure to post throughout the next weeks and months with updates. Hope you have a great summer too!

Official Kickoff to Summer

Since Toben sent me back home over Memorial weekend we weren’t able to get to the pool until this weekend. I guess we could have gone during the week…but today was the Heim’s official kickoff of to the summer and it was perfect! We’ve both come to love Lifetime and everything they offer, but our favorite is the outdoor pool for the few months it’s open when we can sit back, relax, and get our tans on.


Tomorrow will be one year since we left for our honeymoon and it’s just fun to look back at all of the amazing things we’ve done as a couple and as a family. We make time for fun and just like last year today was no different. There will be a lot more of these type of days in our future and I can’t wait. I’m looking forward to getting him on a beach back in Michigan. The pool is incredible, but there is nothing like a Michigan lake and beach.

I love that I get to be married to a hottie. But, more than anything I love doing life with my best friend! Cheers to beautiful summer memories in the making.

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